I have been a professional poker player for nearly 10 years and here are some of the memories that stick in my mind. I might turn some of these into blogs at a later date. In no particular order:
- Winning the Sunday Million on Pokerstars.
- Being SuperNova Elite 2x.
- Going to Monte Carlo for the European Poker Tour Championship.
- My first big loss playing limit hold’em and what I learned about playing my A game always.
- The first time I won a seat to the World Series Main Event.
- Winning 33 consecutive days at 6-max no limit.
- Playing 26 hours in a row of tournaments to get the most elite status on Empire Poker
- Winning a 6 way allin pot for $26k at a private $10/$25 game.
- Playing $5/$10 limit all night to earn a bonus and winning a ton of money in the process. This was the first time I realized I could make it as a professional.
- Black Friday and the UIGEA.
- Playing $25/$50 vs. Prahlad Friedman, Freddy Deeb and Mike Matusow at Ultimate Bet when it was the biggest game around.
- Capping every street vs. Michael Mizrahi with QQ at $100/$200 on J737q because he was a nut and getting there vs K7.
- The NYC poker clubs where I played for a while.
- Chatting with poker friends on Skype while multitabling on my way to Supernova elite.
- My first coaching session ever with Barry Tannenbaum in Las Vegas.
- Making a terrible fold in my first World Series with a straight after getting raised on the turn.
- Playing $10/$20 on Empire Poker with my friend Mike as he was learning the game.
- Playing poker between ballperson shifts at the US Open.