
The goal of is to improve your poker game by simplifying your decision making.  Having a simplified decision making process allows you to understand the reasons behind your decisions and to feel confident that you are making them correctly. We will tell you the questions you should be asking, and give you the answers once you are there.

We believe our approach provides the best method for beginners and amateurs to win money playing poker. You wouldn’t start building a house without a solid foundation, so why would you learn how to play poker without really learning the fundamentals? Whether you want to learn how to play with your colleagues, beat your friends, know why the pros play certain hands the way they do, or win more money, look no further.  We have all the answers.

Coaching is done through Teamviewer, via Skype or in person (in the NYC or New Jersey area),  depending on your goals and preferences. The rate per hour is flexible depending on your goals, the stakes you play, and the length of commitment.

Please email to discuss an individualized coaching package that will fit your needs.

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