2012 was a great year for me personally. I got married to a fantastic woman and I couldn’t be more happy and excited for the rest of our lives together. We took a great honeymoon to Argentina and have plans to travel much more in the coming year. I am lucky that I was able to find someone so special, that I mesh with so well, and to convince her to marry me This year I was also able to spend a lot of quality time with my family, especially my nephews, and am very lucky to have such a great family that lives so close. I have several good friends who got engaged in the past year and I am looking forward to being a part of their weddings.
Professionally, 2012 was a bit of a downer, as this was the first full year that I have been unable to play poker on the internet and no legislation has been put in place to allow that to happen. I am hopeful that at the beginning of the year NJ will allow internet poker(the bill has passed, just waiting on Governor Christie) and that perhaps something will happen federally. I have been travelling to Atlantic City, Las Vegas and Parx to play in person and it has been going quite well, however I much prefer to have a flexible schedule and to work from home. This website has been growing in popularity and I have enjoyed writing the content for it.
This year I did not run any races, though I did complete the 9 week insanity boot camp that really increased my fitness. I really enjoy doing that sort of thing and hope to include it in my work outs in the coming year as a complement to running. I find reading very relaxing and I read a lot of books on a wide range of subjects. I will probably make a separate post with my book ratings soon, along with a reading list for the coming year.
Hope everyone has a wonderful new year!